Outlining the key competencies of doctors

What does it take to be a doctor? That seems to be a question that has no straight answer, considering that, as the world evolves, so do medicine and medical practices. Dr. Matt Boente, MD, however, attempts to shed light on the matter by sharing a number of key competencies that good doctors have. Image source: sgu.edu 1. Talent Without any exceptions, doctors need to be talented enough, particularly with a high intelligence quotient, in order for them to perform the duties and responsibilities that are expected of them. Doctors don’t go through a number of stringent processes for no reason. Earning an undergraduate degree, passing the MCAT, getting into medical school, and residency training, all serve as instruments that are designed to produce only the best minds in society. 2. Lifelong learning According to Dr. Matt Boente, MD, doctors are able to survive not only because of their ability to take in knowledge from the books they have read in their training, but beca...