Reality check – Some facts about pursuing a career in medicine
Before becoming an accomplished physician, Dr. Matt Boente, MD, had to undergo some serious challenges as a student. This is true for most, if not all, who have taken up medicine. In this blog, Dr. Boente shares some interesting facts. Image source: 1. Medical school takes a lot of time and resources. If you really want to be a doctor, you must understand that a lot will be expected from you. Time in studies alone takes many years, with your college degree, medical school, and residency taking up most of your life as a student. You might want to pursue several specializations to keep you equipped with the latest knowledge and practices in your chosen field, shares Dr. Matt Boente, MD. Also, learning to be a doctor comes with a hefty price. The good news is that you have a shot at applying for scholarships if you are deserving enough. 2. Doctors aren't the highest paid in the workforce. Many students take up medicine with a vision to attain the status of a "ri...