Joe Biden’s plan: Putting the care back in healthcare


The current president has had very little success, when it comes to dismantling the healthcare system set up by former President Barack Obama. The Trump administration, however, have not made the changes and adjustments needed. Millions have lost their insurance during this administration. And with the onset of COVID-19 hurting the economy and exposing our broken healthcare system, true reform is needed to get back into fighting shape. Dr. Matt Boente, M.D., and many healthcare professionals believe that Joe Biden is the man America needs to vote for this November. The merits of his healthcare plan alone should already make him the obvious choice. 

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The main goal of Biden’s healthcare plan will revamp the Obamacare individual health insurance market, changing it in such a way that it becomes much more affordable for everyone, especially low-income earning households. His policies include investing more on selective plans that have low deductibles rather than lo-priced plans with higher deductibles. These plans will also ensure families and individuals premium subsidies by doing away caps on subsidies for people who earn 400% less than the federal poverty level.

Biden’s healthcare plan will ensure the coverage of 5 million people in states that have yet to expand Medicaid through access to a federal option that’s premium-free. While these may not be the same people that were kicked out of their healthcare plans in the last four years, they, too, will regain coverage eventually through Biden’s healthcare plan. 

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For Dr. Matt Boente, M.D., Biden’s plan is simple; to tackle issues that people didn’t like in Obamacare to help people in the lower and middle class, the same bracket that has been most affected by the changes made by the Trump administration.

Dr. Matt Boente, M.D., a physician and cancer researcher has a passion for the multiple facets of medicine. Including Covid-19 For more reads on health reforms, visit this page.


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